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House Plan copyrights each of its designs in an effort to better control the quality and liability of our work. Please read through our copyright section to ensure that you do not perform activities with our designs that are in violation of copyright laws.
  All home plans present on this site are protected by copyright. Reproduction of these home plans, either in whole or in part, including any form and/or preparation of derivative works thereof, for any reason without prior written permission is strictly prohibited.
  The purchase of a set of home plans in no way transfers any copyright or other ownership interest in it to the buyer except for a limited license to use that set of home plans for the construction of one, and only one, dwelling unit. The purchase of an additional set (s) of that home plan at a reduced price from the original set or as part of a multiple set package does not convey to the buyer a license to construct more than one dwelling. Similarly, the purchase of reproducible home plans carries the same copyright protection as mentioned above. It is generally allowed to make up to a maximum of 10 copies for the construction of a single dwelling only. To use any plans more than once, and to avoid any copyright licenses infringement, it is necessary to contact the plan designer to receive a release and a license for any extended usage. Whereas a purchaser of reproducible is granted a license to make copies, it should be noted that as copyright material, making photocopies from blueprints is illegal. Copyright and licensing of home plans for construction exist to protect all parties. It respects and supports the intellectual property of the original architect or designer. Copyright law has been reinforced over the past few years. Willful infringement could cause settlements for statutory damages up to $100,000.00 plus attorney fees, damages and loss of profits.
  Plans MAY NOT be used to build more than one house.

  All home plans include a copyright release and a license to use the documents to construct a single home. When you purchase construction documents, we, as licensor, are granting to you, as licensee, the right to use the documents to construct a single unit. This is an exclusive license, which may not be resold, duplicated, published or distributed without written permission of the designer, architect or publisher.
  Reproducing Blueprints

  Construction blueprints may not be reproduced without prior written consent of the designer or publisher. If additional sets are required for estimating or construction, please contact us for additional sets at a nominal cost. Copy shops and blueprinters are prohibited from making copies of these copyrighted documents.
  Making Design Modifications

  As a plan licensee, you may customize the design to fit your personal preferences, but you must understand that the modification of the plan is performed at your own risk and should be reviewed by a professional architect, home designer or engineer prior to the start of construction. Modified plans are considered "derivative works" of the original, and it is critical that you understand that these "derivative works," as well as the original work, still retain copyright protection. Any "derivative work" or revised design, even if completely redrawn, may not be sold, duplicated, distributed or used to construct any units without the purchase of a license from the publisher, architect or designer.
  Copying Designs / Plans from other media (i.e. web sites, publications, electronic mediums, etc)

  It is illegal to copy home designs found in any plan book, on a CD-ROM or on the Internet. It is a common misunderstanding that it is permissible to copy, adapt or change a floor plan or a design found in this book. It is definitely not. It is also illegal to copy any existing home that may have been built, that is protected by copyright, even if you have never seen the plans for the home. If a particular home plan or existing home is desired, a set of plans must be purchased from an authorized source.
  Using the Home Plans:

  As a plan licensee, you may lend the home plans to third parties (builders, contractors, sub-contractors, inspectors, governmental agencies, etc.) as necessary to assist in the construction of the dwelling involved. All such "lent" plans must be retrieved and destroyed, except for the owner's reference sets, and those sets required by governmental agencies, after such assistance has been completed.
  Who is responsible for COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT?

  All parties, including the purchasers, designers, drafters, home owners, builders, contractors, sub-contractors, copy shops and blueprinters may be responsible if a copyright is violated. It does not matter whether an individual knows that a violation is being committed. You've heard it before: ignorance of the law is not a valid defense! To avoid legal complications and damages, it is critical that you be certain of the original plan source, and refuse to be a party to any illicit copying or borrowing of designs, derivative works, prints and design features.

  In the event of any suspected violation of a copyright, or if there is any uncertainty about the plans purchased, the publisher, architect or designer should be contacted before proceeding. If a violation of a home designer's copyright is suspected, House Plan,  the designer or architect, and the Council of Publishing Home Designers should be contacted. Awards are sometimes offered for information about home design copyright infringement

  Penalties for violating a copyright may be very severe. The responsible parties are required to pay the designer or architect's actual damages (which may be substantial), plus any profits made. The copyright law also allows the designer or architect to recover statutory damages, which may be as high as $100,000. Finally, the infringer may be required to pay the architect or designer's reasonable legal fees, which often exceed the damages.



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