What is the PDF Set Plan Package?

The PDF Set plan package is your best value, and provides you with an electronic version of the plan's construction documents. This plan package provides many advantages over other plan packages including:

Questions about the different plan packages?

Here is a brief comparison:

  PDF File CAD File 5 Set Review Set
Delivery Media: Electronic file Electronic file Hard-copy prints Hard-copy prints
Shipping Method: Email / Mail on CD Email / Mail on CD Mail Mail
Time-frame to receive: Usually the same day (if emailed) Usually the same day (if emailed) Depending on ship method (1 day to 7 days) Depending on ship method (1 day to 7 days)
# of Construction Licenses included: 1 Construction License 1 Construction License 1 Construction License No Construction License provided
Can make copies? Unlimited Unlimited Cannot be copied. Would need to purchase additional sets. Cannot be copied. Would need to upgrade to construction package.
Can re-size plan documents and re-print for different uses? Yes Yes No No
Can modify plans with a local designer? Yes Yes No No
Can print on desktop printer? Yes (all you need is to download the free Adobe Acrobat software) Yes (only if you have a valid version of AutoCAD software on computer) No No